Two business women sitting on a white sofa discussing a document. One woman is white, the other is black.

During the pandemic lock down, I was feeling scared and vulnerable.

I acquired some pretty unhealthy habits that I’m not particularly proud of. I spent hours each day consuming news from various outlets and spent more time than I care to mention doom scrolling.

I was driving myself crazy! I realized my behavior wasn’t serving me well and made conscious effort to be part of something positive and nurturing.

So, I went online and attended webinars and joined some online communities.

Initially, I participated in these groups as an observer. I listened silently, sometimes with my camera off. But as time passed, I became more actively engaged by joining chat conversations or raising my virtual hand to make a comment.

I was under the impression that when the pandemic restrictions were finally lifted, these new connections would phase out. But as it turned out, there were 4 very tangible outcomes I achieved as a result of expanding my community.

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Why Women Leaders Need to Build Connections Outside of Their Inner Circle

As an executive woman, you often find yourself immersed in a world of business meetings, networking events, and professional responsibilities.

Your immediate circle of friends and colleagues can provide valuable support, but there’s immense value in expanding your community beyond these familiar faces.

Building connections outside of your usual group of friends and associates can enhance personal growth, foster diverse perspectives, and provide a sense of belonging. Here’s how …

The Value of Online Relationships for Women in Leadership Roles

Let’s return to my story. As I mentioned, I joined some online communities and started to regularly attend their meetings. Some webinar hosts would even contact me directly to ask whether I would join their meetings since they appreciated my engagement.

Over a 2-year period, I built relationships and established friendships that continue today. My initial reason for exploring online groups was to provide me with a distraction from my routine. I never anticipated how much I would gain from reimagining how relationships can exist. Here are the highlights of my experience:

The Top 4 Tips Business Women Can Use to Unlock New Horizons

Expanding your community is a powerful step which will broaden your horizons. Here are my top 4 recommendations to get started which apply to both online and in-person community building:

  1. Take the first step in expanding your community by actively seeking opportunities to connect with people or groups which fall outside of your usual networking and professional organizations.
  2. Embrace diversity by seeking out individuals from diverse backgrounds, industries and cultures. Engage in conversations that challenge your assumptions and expose you to new ideas.
  3. Seek and give support by sharing your aspirations, challenges and experiences. Offer support and encouragement to others. Your kindness will come back to you.
  4. Explore how your skills and expertise can complement others and be open to collaborative and partnership opportunities.

Embrace the value of building a vibrant and diverse community that nurtures your growth, amplifies your impact, and enriches your life in ways you never imagined possible!

Remember, you are the solution to claiming what’s important to you!